Your Recall Check Summary

Check performed: 11/01/2017
Check reference number: WH10075901
Recall Check
This car is recorded as: Recall Outstanding.
Last update: 28/08/2018.
For further information we recommend you contact the manufacturer.
Vehicle manufacturer specification
This information is sourced from the vehicle manufacturer and will provide technical and environmental details for this vehicle.
Vehicle description
Vehicle performance
Vehicle economy
Vehicle dimensions
Definitions and glossary can be found in the FAQ
DVLA Records
This information is sourced from the DVLA Records and will provide technical and environmental details for this vehicle.
Vehicle description
Our vehicle valuation will help you determine the market value of the vehicle you want to buy. The valuation, where available, is based on the vehicle being in an average condition for its age, that you are buying the vehicle from a dealer and the mileage supplied by you. If you have not provided a mileage, it is estimated to be the equivalent to 10,000 miles per year. The valuation provided indicates the market value of your chosen model, not the actual vehicle being checked and therefore may vary. If no valuation is provided it is because we do not currently hold this data. HPI Valuations are provided by Glass’s. For further information see FAQ.
The guide valuation for this vehicle is based on the make & model with average mileage, in fair condition for its age and bought from a dealer.
Estimated market value | £7590 |
Based on a | Chrysler 300C |
Our vehicle valuation will help you determine the market value of the vehicle you want to buy. The valuation provided indicates the market value of your chosen model, not the actual vehicle being checked and therefore may vary. If no valuation is provided it is because we do not currently hold this data.
Thank you for using HPICheck
- Date: 11/01/2017
- Ref: WH10075901
- Paid with: VOUCHER
HPI Check | 19.99 |
Discount | – 19.99 |
Total | £ 0 |
Net | 0.00 |
Vat | 0.00 |
HPI and its suppliers try to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate. However as the information is aggregated from various sources, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy of content. This service provides an indicative check for outstanding safety recalls as at the date specified. Visitors and customers who rely on this information do so at their own risk. Visitors and customers are strongly encouraged to independently verify the information before acting or deciding not to act on that information.